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Baskets are usually ones that people like to bring with them in going to groceries or some nearby markets, whereas some consider making it a hobby because it is easy. The materials in making a basket are also available in any store at a lower price.

So, what is a basket making wire, and how is it used? Such is an important question that can lead you to love to try it, too. First is to know about such tools and then learning about their uses one by one.

Tools in Making Basket

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Basket making has been a memorable part of a tradition in which it became a top favorite hobby and everyday task. While Basket making or weaving is a form of leisure, nowadays, it is also considered an in-demand business for making home decorations and reservoirs.

Some of the simple tools used in creating one beautiful basket are listed below, which are all available locally in some various stores.

  1. Scissors and a sharp knife – necessary for cutting and pointing of the osiers.
  2. Round-nose Pliers – required for kinking the stakes before eventually bending them.
  3. Side cutters – works perfectly with chipping off.
  4. Bodkin – a pointed metal tool in a wooden handle.
  5. Others – there are other techniques available such as measuring tape, protective waterproof cloth, and a clothespin.

However, what’s not on the list is the main tool used in such activity as basket-making. That tool is the Basket-making wire.

Before Wires are Made for Basket-making

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In the old days, no wires were available to be used for making baskets. The most durable of all during that time are made of natural materials such as Kudzu.

Kudzu is a kind of vine that is best harvested during the winter season when no critters are out. The sap is all gone from the barks of the tree, vines dry quickly and shrink fast, too. Kudzu is easily harvested through the following steps:

  1. Gather the vines that have crept up the trees
  2. Let it dry for up to one week in a cool and dry place
  3. While still green, begin weaving it
  4. Wait for the basket to dry and feel its organic look

In such early times, kudzu is said to be the best material for basket-making. Likewise, the process of using kudzu for basket weaving is as follows:

  1. Split and coil mean that the kudzu needs to dry within a day or two completely in a cool and dry place. They must be separated according to size. Each split kudzu needs to be coiled together with a matching size that is ready for your use later on.
  2. Soak the vines by using a container or simply through your sink, which must be filled with hot or warm water. It must not be boiling hot. The vines need to be with a brick or other weight so the vines can be totally drowning in the warm water. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes. See until they are able to wrap around your finger without breaking before you remove them.
  3. Flatten the collected kudzu by gently pulling the bark side down. You must do this with just the right force and tension so the vines will not split or break.

What is a Basket Making Wire and How is it Used?

So, knowing that a basket cannot do without wires holding it together, you’re on a task on learning what it is and how it is used. This article shall provide you with that information, so just read on.

Basically, basket making wires are what hold and keep intact the parts of a basket. It is necessary to make sure that it will not let go or slip your fingers while you are working on the basket.

Weaving or Making Basket through different Methods

  1. Randingthe most basic of all the methods in creating a basket; it is done with one under one stake, over the next, and then under the next stake, too, and so on. If you are planning to make continuous rounds, an odd number of stakes has to be made to ensure that you can reverse the process on the second row.

This is usually applicable for large weaving projects that are often broken up at some intervals of paired stakes or rows. Doing it adds strength and security to the finished product.

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2. Pairingthis method makes use of two weavers in one, twisting around to make a spiral effect to the design.

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3. Walingstrong and very durable to be applied as a method in making baskets. Through this method, the shape of the basket is controlled and is often at the top beneath the borders. Waling is also what helps in keeping the stakes in position while weavers do their task.

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TIP: Borders need to be as lovely as possible as they are usually the most noticeable part of a basket and is very dramatic. Making it into dense braids can be a great challenge to weavers but also a most rewarding one to achieve.


Modernity has leveled up a lot of things today that used to be as simple as just getting materials from nature around. Basket making could not have been this creative if not for such innovations. May the learning you had about what is a basket making wire and how it is used help you appreciate this activity more and later on the desire to embark on it, too, one day.